Monday 16 December 2013

How video games are transforming the film industry

Here is a very interesting article from The Guardian a few weeks back discussing how, in a stark contrast to popular belief, video games are now changing the film industry:

The main focus of the article is on how video game technology is changing the way movies are produced, with Andy Serkis quoted as saying "[t]here was probably a time when people in the games industry wanted to emulate films, but now it's very much the other way around: the technology is driven by video games".

Motion capture technology used in 'Ryse: Son of Rome'

The article also goes into how new video game technologies (specifically the latest generation of consoles) are allowing developers to craft increasingly emotional stories within games, bridging the gap between entertainment and art form. Peter Gornstein (Cinematic Director at developer Crytek) is quoted as saying that new technologies allow developers to overcome the "uncanny valley" - the notion that details within a game rendered improperly cause an unrealistic, creepy feeling. He says that "[t]hat has been a big problem with games in the past. But what we can do now, in real-time, is produce imagery and emotional experiences within a game, at a level where the uncanny valley is left far behind".

Capturing new levels of emotion in 'Ryse: Son of Rome'

It's certainly an interesting prospect, not only showing how the perception of games is rapidly changing, but also how the effect the video game industry is having on other popular media industries is growing immensely.

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